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Organize a fundraiser Color Run:

In the past few years we have cooperated with a large number of Sports Clubs / Schools and NGO´s. All were in need for extra funds for their projects. Organizing a Color Run has everything a good fundraiser needs. It will create a lot of attention, media coverage, it will for sure generate funds and most important; participants and spectators will have a great time.

Color party fundraiser:

There are many way´s to organize this. And the fundraiser doesn´t necessarily have to be a Color Run. We have seen also many initiatives like Color Fights, Color Party and Color Obstacle Runs. It starts with a good plan, high quality Holi Colors and good communication that brings together as much people as possible.

How to organize a Color Run as fundraiser?

Normally a Color Run is a happy 5 K run. After each kilometer there is a Color station with one particular color. The color station can represent a theme for instance. For the Cancer Foundation for instance each color station represented a type of cancer to raise awareness for. Sometimes the Color runners run as individuals, but also as a Color team. Key is of course that they find as many sponsors as possible. Friends, Family, Colleagues are always open to sponsor a Color Runner. But with a little extra effort companies and corporates are also easily to convince to sponsor a Color Run.

How to generate funds and find Sponsors for your charity Color Run?

Beside the runners that find sponsors for themselves or their color team, there is several other ways to generate funds with a color Event. In case of a charity Color party or charity Color festival, of course the ticket sales is an important one. But also the Color merchandise is very interesting. You can sell bags of Holi Color, Sunglasses, T-shirts etc. The photo material are always fun and will be shared a lot on social media. This creates extra opportunities for potential sponsors.

Feel free to contact us if you need any advice on how to organize your own fundraise color run or charity color event. We have assisted color charity events all over the world with great success. Best of both world; generate funds for your cause, school, sports club and have great color fun.

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