+31 (0)62 48 14 331 info@holicolorpowders.com


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla a luctus quam. Mauris nec dictum neque. Nullam vel auctor quam, a sollicitudin augue. Duis vulputate facilisis urna, ullamcorper laoreet leo consequat id. Curabitur at velit rutrum, posuere neque sed, laoreet tortor. In fermentum ipsum augue, at pretium neque cursus ut. Maecenas ullamcorper dui faucibus, imperdiet nisl non, bibendum tellus. Nunc in ante eget urna posuere varius.

We will get back to you within 6 hours. You can also sent an email to:

info@holicolorpowders.com / holicolorpowders@gmail.com

  • +31(0)618398199 (Derk Lindeboom)
  • +31(0)624814331 (Jan Berings)


  • Chamber of Commerce Netherlands: 61538078
  • Bank Account ABN AMRO: 46 74 92 743
  • IBAN: NL86ABNA0467492743
  • VAT number: NL8543.81.132.B01

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    Or want to place a order?
    Call +31 (0)62 48 14 331 or mail to
    or goto Get Quotation.

    Why Kingdom of Colors?

    • Fast
    • Cheap
    • Safe
    • Easy 2 clean
    • Customization

    Easy to clean / Non Explosive / Safe / Organic Holi Powder

    Kingdom of Colors only supplies Easy to clean / Non Explosive / Safe / Organic Holi Powder. This way you can be sure that our product will not irritate the skin or give a burning sensation to your customers visitors or clients skin. Our natural colours for holi color powder are eco friendly holi colours and free of chemicals. No cleaning issues and no people that can´t get the Holi powder of their skin or out of their hair or clothes.

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