Organize Holi Color camping color run color party
Holidays are fun. And they become even more fun with holi colours. Offering your camping or hotel guests a color party is a memory they will not forget. You can organize your camping color event during the day and in evening hours. We always advice to organize the camping color party outdoors. This because of ventilation and cleaning after warts. Ask the DJ to play some happy tunes and let the camping color party start. Organize Holi Color camping color run color party!
Holi Camping
More and more campings offer a holi camping party to their guests. In the past years we have supplied campings all over Europe. Mainly as activity for the kids, but we received also a lot of photos with adults participating in the holi camping party or event. Often the color fight is combined with sports activities. As campings often have a lake side, beach, forest or field for activities it is easy to keep other guests away from the color. These sides also make the cleaning of the holi colors easy. Our holi colors are eco friendly and are easy to wash away. Also many youth hostels and other holiday locations like hotels contact us for their holi activities.
Camping color run
Of course you can organize a camping color run. If you have some open space you basically only need some color stations and let the fun begin. Through the woods, on the beach or just some trails near to your camping or hotel. Your camping guests will 100% sure love it. And one dive in the lake or sea or a shower and they are clean again. What is more fun, then to sport with happy colors with your family. If you are looking for new activity at your camping side it is worth considering a Color event. We are happy to assist you to make your camping color run a success.